Participate in the GRANDE study

See the list below for ways you can participate in the GRANDE study.

Participate in the Natural Hazards Impact on Job Choice Game

This game provides insights into how individuals assess and prioritize natural hazard risks when making decisions about where to live and work. By providing a variety of job offer scenarios, the game allows participants to weigh various employment factors, potential risks from natural hazards, and domicile considerations as they narrow down job offers and make their final choice.

The game takes approximately five minutes to play and offers a fascinating look at how we consider natural hazards in our daily lives. The game is open to all U.S. residents who are at least 18 years old, both geoscientists and non-geoscientists.

Participate in the Natural Hazards Resilience Survey

We are seeking input from academic faculty, department leadership, students, and post-docs regarding how they have incorporated natural hazards into their education, research, and teaching, as well as if academic departments have made changes to their operations to become more resilient to hazard impacts.